Originally posted by J Geoff:
Get the Rounders DVD -- not only is it a good movie....
Rounders is probably the all-time champion poker movie, although the field is rather limited to that and The Cincinnati Kid.

It's quite realistic, and Edward Norton gives a virtuoso performance.

But there is one glaring weakness which bears pointing out:

While underground poker clubs such as The Chesterfield or Teddy KGB's do exist, mostly run by the mob (somewhere in the "How I Got Interested in the Mafia" thread is my personal story about that), there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that the players would be allowed to act as their own dealer.

There would be a house dealer, just like in the casinos.

Worm's ability as a mechanic was integral to the plot of course, but it could never happen in real life that way for exactly that reason.

"Difficult....not impossible"