Well for 3 years I've managed to hide my birthday. I wonder what little bird spilled the beans??

21 and legal hu?? Ha ha...I'm soooo over twenty-one, it's probably illegal. I was trying to tell my daughter, who just called, that actually I was due in October, but born in August, so I'm not another year older just yet. She told me "mom, that's reaching."

LLC, the baggy pants will only happen if I gain 100 pounds and want to hide it.

Cardi & Geoff, you can still feel free to buy me those blue girly drinks all weekend. Just give me your credit card numbers, and I'll take it from there. :p

How nice to to share a birthday with Goombah's wife and Geoff's father. Happy birthday to them as well.

DV, after all the "special" canoli I have offered you, do you really think I'd dare accept yours??

Thanks everyone for all the kind thoughts and well wishes, and SC (you stinker you), thanks for thinking of me my friend. I will be thinking you you guys this weekend and will be there in spirit. You all have a great time.

Again, a sincere thanks to all of my BB friends.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon