I was about to post my last post in the "Plaw is Dead" thread, but it closed right as I hit "Add My Reply".

Here it is, SC, Please feel free to close this now but I had to explain myself on Apple's statement and a guide to why I do the things I do.

Again, please don't delete this.

Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

I will say ONE thing for DonFerro who's posts I now look forward to...he is not afraid of expressing the true feelings of himself as well as the extremists of his party. He does not hide under a cloak of friendliness and wishy washy emotions. He tells it like it is, and he freely admits that this is the WAY he is. And while posts from him HAVE been scarce lately...he did not bother to announce his retreat with the complaint that nobody's helping him out.

So let her rip, DonFerro !!! And the one useful result of this entire thread is that the self-imposed retirement of another may have at least beckoned you from out of the woodwork.
I can never tell is Apple is being sarcastic or honest with a hint of deception, but either way, this is what I was trying to express. The Cloak, as you so eloquently described it, is such an annoying tool in the liberal arsenal. We hide behind it to often and try to appear as the "peace-loving", "dove humping" party. It's invalid and not working. We are trying to play as the "Vietnam-era, Anti-war" party and forgot to notice that young kids nowadays, unlike in those times, don't give a flying shit.

I do truely believe we are in a Vietnam-era situation now, but we can't play it like before. Kid's are stupid. Very stupid. We had a national tragedy to deal with, unlike before. (Except for when we decided to say they blew up a couple of our boats back then) And though I don't agree with our president's course of action since then, more of the kids do this time making the "Dove-Fucking" stance invalid.

SC, and Smitty and all others who think I'm ugly or whatever can say what they want. It's fine. But I believe I'm the only one trying to be truthful here in my party. This was half of the reason I stopped posting in the first place. The Sugar-coated responses that the Liberals were spouting out at the time didn't express my true feelings. I was mad as hell.

I'm going to tell the truth, not sugarcoat it.

Apple, If you meant what you said, then yes, I look forward to debating.

Plaw, I think it's ignorant of you to say that you are on such a higher level than myself because I use the phrase "Meathead". I know you have these feelings and you are clearly frustrated with the right. LET THEM KNOW! Use your wise political insight and GET YOUR TRUE FEELINGS ACROSS TOO!

Smitty, I use Meathead when combining good argument and true feeling. I stated that, and you chose to ignore it and make it look like I just plainly insulted people. Read all my posts. Very meathead-ish.

SC, Is being truthful ugly? If so, then I'm Gary Busey. I won't make trouble or blatently insulting posts. Just blowing off a little steam now and then in a way I feel expresses my true feelings.

The Doc

And you liar, teller of tall tales: you trample all the Lord's commandments underfoot, you murder, steal, commit adultery, and afterward break into tears, beat your breast, take down your guitar and turn sin into a song. Shrewd devil, you know very well that God pardons singers no matter what they do, because he can simply die for a song.