To me, there's no better way to watch a movie than on the big screen. I've seen Scarface numerous times and still the best time I've ever had watching it was at the Alamo Draft Houst theater in Austin a couple of years ago. I've seen some movies in the theater that I've been fortunate enough to watch after they were already hits (such as The Godfather, Scarface, The Big Lebowski, The Goonies just to name a few and I have the good people at the Alamo Draft House to thank for that). But I love going to the movies and there are just certain movies that I'd love to see in the theaters if ever given the chance. Here's my list in no order:

-Raging Bull
-The Last Temptation of Christ (more for crowd reaction)
-The Boondock Saints
-The Godfather Part II
-The Usual Suspects
-Fight Club
-Jackie Brown
-True Romance
-Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
-Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
-The Fellowship of the Ring
-The Two Towers
-The Return of the King
-Chasing Amy
-Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back