TIS: "Lee Harvey acted alone"
Apple: "I agree with ANYONE!"
Fathersson: "The Yankees are in fact the greatest baseball team in the world and will win the World Series this year. God Bless George Steinbrenner"
Gina: "The Astros suck"
Geoff: "I've finished masturbating"
Suspect_5 & HalJordan: "Penelope Cruz is hotter than Salma Hayek (who is an ugly whore) :p
Turnbull: "I've ran outta Goodfellas quotes"
Don Vercetti, Thug, Capo or ronnierocket: "Wow Irish, that was an excellent review and I couldn't agree more"
XXX: "Irishman, you need to post in the Kill Bill Dialogue Game Thread!"