I don't think many people will disagree that if a real suicide bomber was killed in this fashion with a real threat to harming the public there'd be a problem.

It's bad intelligence. Bad intelligence led to this mans death. It's very sad and regretable. I personally don't blame the police with the guns. They did what they thought they had to do in the heat of it all. Though uniformed officers should have been used. If I came from a Brazilian ghetto and I had plain clothes people aiming guns at me and shouting in a language I don't understand I'm doing a runner too. If uniformed coppers had guns aiming at me I'm not moving an inch.

I have a freind in the police that actually informed me today the supposedly shoot to kill policy isn't the official protocol for the police to follow. Apparantly warning shots and rubber bullets are to be fired first. The police are going to get sued and lose.

So die all who betray Giuliano