Don Cardi
You can have the best intelligence in the world, the best police protection in the world... But if some religious zealot extremist decides to strap bombs to himself and walk into the middle of a train station, into the heart of a market place or onto a bus, and blow himself up, that is almost impossible to stop.

But the difficulty of defending against this kind of threat is no excuse for incompetence, that was my point. The police falied to prevent the bombings - perhaps understandably - but do we hear an apology or a promise to do better next time? No - all we get are police media spokesmen congratulating themselves for reacting so well. That's a bit rich.

Incidently, the man they shot at Stockwell tube was completely unassociated with the incidents. He was a Brazilian: Jean Charles de Menezes, 27. Did the police apologize for taking him out execution-style? Well, they expressed their "regret" and agreed that it was "unfortunate" :rolleyes: No doubt the cowboys who shot him will get a medal

Joey ...


... Saza!