I think it's important to remember that the "people" (savage animals is more like it) carrying out these attacks are not true Muslims. They pervert the Muslim faith by claiming their attacks are to serve Allah, which is a bunch of crap. All they are doing is holding the religion hostage and casting a bad name upon what is a peaceful religion. These terrorists are NOT Muslims - they are radical fundamentalist extremists.

True Muslims, like Muhammed Ali for example, denounce these cowardly terrorists who cite their so-called religious beliefs as reasons for carrying out attacks. Like that idiot Atta's father said to CNN - the extremists want a holy war that will last decades. Their goal is to purport a war so it's viewed as the Westerners/Christians/Jews vs. the Muslims.

I was arguing with a co-worker today about pulling out of Iraq in an effort to appease the Muslim world and the extremists. My point was that even if we did pull out, that there is no pleasing the fundamentalists. They would be mad for us leaving Iraq in dissarray. Or they would simply find some other convenient reason to hate us. We're in a no-win situation trying to change their minds. They have been taught since birth to hate the West in general and America in particular. And nothing we do will ever change that mentality.