Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
It broke my heart to read that the US soldiers were giving out candy to Iraqi children when one of the suicide bombers hit. I think that the innocent children are the most heart-breaking victims of all. They have been indoctrinated in hatred and have had their childhood stolen from them. I'm not saying that to minimize other losses; any loss of life is a horror. But, to me, the children are the saddest.
Sicilian Babe, as much as I agree with you that children are the saddest etc.. I also deep down believe that by going after children they are digging their own grave. There are only so many times that a person can say "It's the U.S.' fault that these bombers are killing children" before they look at it and say I just lost 2 children because of these bastards etc...

So yes it is sad and disgusting when they go after children but as I've said with every death that has happened in Iraq, the deaths MUST lead to something, even if its just less people willing to allow these terrorists to stay in their home etc...

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"