Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
But, DC, that is the beauty of politics. The politicians are so concerned with being re-elected, or elected to a higher office, that they will make political hay over ANYTHING. They were quite cautious in the aftermath of September 11th, but after awhile, they started to let go. I think the first was Cuomo when he was campaigning as governor of NY. He openly criticized Pataki and said that all he had done in those days and months following the attack was hold Giuliani's coat for him, or words to that effect. It boomeranged right back and hit him in the a**.

Since that time, as people have become unhappy with the war, and the flag-waving has stopped (remember all the flags you saw in the fall of 2001? How many do you see now), politicians have cautiously tested the waters. In the Northeast, where the voters are mostly democrats, you can probably get away with it more now. Although I know that words of dissent anger you PERSONALLY, you have to see that a politician only looks towards their next term in office. They literally begin fundraising for the next campaign their first day in office. They always have their eyes on the prize.
Or the "ugliness" of politics! I guess it depends on one's point of view.

Basically you have confirmed exactly what I have been saying in my oher posts above : They are only concerned about getting re-elected. And that is a disgrace. It's the way it is, but still a disgrace.

The american people as a whole should all take words of dissent used by any politician, from the left or the right, for their own political gain, personally. All of the people need to see that many of these so called representatives are only looking towards their next term in office and must remember this when voting time rolls around. Bottom line is that many, not all, really couldn't give a damn about the people. They just want to stay career politicians.

It's not personal, it's strictly business.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.