I am not saying that people are not entitled to their opinions and views when it comes to war and politics. We all have the right to express our feelings and opinions about such things. But there is a difference in voicing an opinion and making attacks and unfounded accusations. The personal attacks, lies and false accusations against our leaders, made for political gain, are what I am talking about. Those actions are what hurt us in fighting a war like this one.

There is no reason for a senator of this country to come out in public and state that we cannot win this war because our leader is a miserable failure. That is a personal attack and it also undermines the soldier who is out there fighting for us.

Want to debate the way things are being handled in the senate, in congress, etc. ? That's fine and that is what this country is built on. But there is no reason for an elected official to bash our President and undermine our troops just for personal political gain, and we all know that many politicians from BOTH sides do these things not out of real concern for our country, but do do it for their own political agendas!

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.