Originally posted by Don Cardi:
That is exactly what is going on right here and now when Senators and Congresswoman PUBLICALLY call The Commander In Cheif Of their own nation, during a time of war, a crucial war that may determine the future of our country, a miserable failure and a liar, etc. The enemy feeds off of this and sees that they can win the war right in the American media.

People in political power and in the media need to wake up and see that this is not a political game, this is very serious life threatening stuff, and that they need to suport our soldiers and support this war on terrorism and throw out the political bullshit once and for all.
I see where you're coming from with everyone needs to be on the same side but that's the beauty of America. If you don't feel a certain way that others do, you have the freedom to express your views. I know many people feel passionate about this war and feel it's a good thing (such as yourself) but others who believe they HAVE to publicy denounce the war and cannot sit by ideally and do nothing. I agree that we should all support the troops no matter what. At the beginning I was always for the troops whether or not I was for the war because THEY are the ones over their busting their a$$es. But again, I don't think it would be a good idea if everyone just sat back and had 'groupthink' in this country about the war. That can be a very dangerous trap to fall into and sometimes you need criticism to perform or rethink things better. Sorry I don't have more time to respond but I will tomorrow when I get to work.