Your solution sounds reasonable and easy enough however that will take time and I do not know how long the President (whoever it is after Bush), the media, or the American people will have the patience to see this thing through. You're talking about generations upon generations having to be 'rehibilitated' not to mention that I feel there will also be those "extremists" who break away from the infidels to destroy us. I mean, we'd literally have to change the culture and world that those people live in over there and that's a very hard thing to do. You look at Palestinians and Jews who have been fighting each other since Christ came to this Earth and they show no signs of stopping anytime soon. So how can we expect to change their ways of thinking if they haven't even begin to stop fighting their "constant" enemy?

As for bin Laden, I heard awhile ago and I still somewhat believe this will happen. But I heard that the next attack carried out on American soil will have bin Laden being apart of it to die as a 'martyr.' That way he can "lead by example" as well as being able to gloat about evading the U.S. for almost 4 years now.

BTW, I want you to know that I'm not trying to fight with you or be difficult. I'm just trying to understand where you are coming from more