Originally posted by Don Cardi:
These bastards must be destroyed, no matter what the cost. And thankfully people like Bush and Blair understand this. Bottm line is that they are out to destroy the "infidels" :rolleyes: , and the hate that they harbor is just plain evil. Think about it, here are people, supposedly human, who teach their own children to hate and kill other human beings. This is exactly why democracizing the middle eastern area of the world is extremely important in this war on terror.
I understand where you are coming from and as this war continues to go on I am starting to agree with you that these terrorists need to be taken out, but my question is, how do you do it? Sure, you can take out all the head men right now but what about the next generation? As you've described these a$$holes teach their children their own hate and beliefs. This is a religion to these people and a religion is one of the hardest things to probably change about a person. The scary thing about this war is that for every 1 terrorist you capture or kill, another 1 will just take his place because he or she was brought up to believe that what they are doing is "right." Do you see where I'm coming from? It's a vicious cycle that I don't know has an end to it