We knew it was quite possibly coming, but I guess today is our worst nightmare. Blair must have wanted to die when he heard the news. We've been preparing for something like this ever since 9/11 and the Madrid bombs but you never expect someone to actually come in and say "Turn on the tv. They've bombed King's Cross."

I'm in the north so we're far from the danger zone (touch wood) but I have a cousin in London that I still haven't heard from and many friends who I've just managed to get in touch with.
My friend Helen's flatmate takes that bus to work, but he missed it this morning. My other friend Sorcha's flatmate had an early meeting, or he would have been on taking the tube through Aldergate when the bomb went off. 33 confirmed deaths so far, but Scotland Yard aren't yet releasing figures for the deaths on the double decker bus.

Thanks for your solidarity and sympathy. I just can't bear to think of all the households getting visits from the police tonight.

Senator, we are both part of the same hypocrisy