Originally posted by Fame:
...Back to Sabrina...what did you all think of the 1995 version with Julia Ormond ?
I never got a chance to see it but remember it didn't do very well...either in reviews or at the box office.

Harrison Ford seemed a great choice for the part of Linus (originally played by Bogie); even Greg Kinear was probably ok as David. BUT...I think they would've needed a MUCH bigger (and brighter) star than Julia Ormond to carry off the Sabrina part.

Who? I don't really know (Sofia Coppola maybe...???).

I mostly remember Julia Ormond in 'Legends of the Fall'. Her performance was very nice, she was lovely and graceful but in general I think rather dull; at least too dull to play Sabrina.

This was just on tv the other night...Audrey Hephurn is Star of the Month on TCM. I have to admit that for a Billy Wilder film, parts of it do lag just a bit. Overall though, I've always thought it a rather delightful movie.
And even though it's true he may have been just a tad old for the part, Bogie in my opinion was adorable as Linus.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.