Billy Wilder was truly a genius, he managed to deliver so many masterpieces one after the other. Sabrina is one of them.
DV, I agree with your list except "The Seven Year Itch" which IMO is not better than Sabrina.
However, I think "Some Like It Hot" is definitely better as is "The Apartment".

A special Wilder recommendation - "One,Two,Three" with James Cagney is such an hysterical comedy you wouldnt want to miss. And it has some great inside jokes about Cagney himself, his movie "The Public Enemy" and Robinson's "Little Caesar" . And of course, there are a number of references to Sabrina as well, but I will keep my mouth shut till you see this movie.
Sadly tho, this movie was so hard for Cagney (he needed to memorize so many lines and it was very hard for him)
Cagney understood the time has come to take a break from acting...some break, 20 years

Oh no, what am I doing turning this into another Cagney apologies!
Back to Sabrina...what did you all think of the 1995 version with Julia Ormond ?

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)