I think it was about Supreme Court justice, and a logical discussion, before:

The more abortions the better as far as I'm concerned.
marijuana definetly makes me concentrate much more on the road.
And a 14-point copy+paste that serves little other than to outline the lengths at which some members will go to try and besmirch others.

If this is logical debate, I am Hitler. Oh wait, according to Plaw, I am. Hypocritical, as the left often is, you condemn my use of Hitler in comparing Pat's ideology (which, like it or not, is a valid point), and then you turn around and do the same thing towards me.

Originally posted by plawrence:

I consider directly comparing anyone here to Hitler to be a personal insult. Why don't we just stick to the arguments and leave the other bullshit out of it?

Terrible at taking your own advice, aren't you?