Originally posted by Paul Krendler:
I can't believe nobody's mentioned Freddy Got Fingered.

I've seen many, many bad movies in my life. But, very rarely do I not make it to the end of them. That said, it has to be pretty bad for me to not finish watching. Freddy Got Fingered falls into this category. I could not make it through this movie.

More recently, I was watching Hide and Seek on my Tivo. I looked forward to this because Bobby D and Dakota Fanning are fine actors. However, by the time it got to the "stunning" twist, I was so pissed off that they resorted to such an obvious gimmick, I stopped watching and deleted it immediatly.

Another bad movie I've seen lately is Kicking and Screaming. I know what you're thinking, Will Ferrell, Robert Duval and Mike Ditka spells comedy gold, right? Wrong! I didn't even get halfway through this piece of crap before I deleted it off the Tivo – an action my brother has now termed, "Hide and Seeking."


— Rocky