Originally posted by Chilltown:
Look i dont want to be seen as a kill-joy, cuz truthfully that isnt the case. Nor would i want this thread to be shut down-i truly don't! my concern is at the tone acting as if noone here could be gay and that its like a joke. i once at one time a very active poster here and an EXTREMELY active member of the movie board. I remember the board having a different attitude toward the subject when i stopped visiting regularly. i guess you wouldnt understand unless you were put in my place that it gets extremely tiresome for people who are likely straight to simply associate being gay with words such as fabulous and the funny uncle syndrome.
And trust me in regards to having a sense of humor about the situation i have no problem having a laugh at my own expense. I've done the stereotypical drag show but at the same time its heartbreaking to read a thread that is in good humor-as this one is-and then see response denying homosexuality, making generalizations, and just, imo, being unsympathetic.

In short i'm sorry if i caused a rukus, lol i didnt mean it to be a grand return, but just be a little bit more aware.
First of all, you have already stated this once already.

Second, how in the world do you know if any of the rest of us are gay or not! Just because you are uptight about things, why do the rest of people have to run for cover.
you say you don't want to be a kill-joy but you are.

Why don't you just stay out of this thread then?

Gay people don't scare us here, we can talk about subjects and not be afraid of them ( the subjects) here. If you want to repeat yourself one more time about the fact that there may be Gay people on this board, I think you should understand that we Know that already. They also are our friends. We are not bashing them. And for all you know others may be gay and they don't need someone sticking them back in the closet behind close doors with complaints.

Do we not? tell jokes about people, places, states ect.

Oh, and by the way:
I once at one time a very active poster here and an EXTREMELY active member of the movie board.
doesn't make you any better around here then the rest of us.

If you don't like the thread, PLEASE stay away! Thanks

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You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!