I felt asleep yesterday about 8:30 while watching TV and only woke up about 1:30 AM. that made me lose all the friday night fun, but I was awarded with this amazing film in the late night. it was dubbed in portuguese, and while it made me lose a little bit of the quotes and the acting, it added a vintage feel that totally worked out for me. this film is the 70's itself. I wanted to watch it in a long time, and now that I did, I couldn't be more satisfied. I'd say Dog Day Afternoon is already one of my favorite movies of all time, and Al Pacino's shouting "Attica! Attica!" has got to be one of my favorite quotes of all time as well. Sidney Lumet's directing is perfect, just like Pacino's acting, but I won't even go further on that since everyone here is a fan of this guy. what I liked the most was the irony in the air. after a while, the robbery became a "common people" vs. authorities brawl, and that is thee definition of the 70's for me.

well I could go on and on about this movie, but I'll stop here, just stating that it is one of the greatest films of all time for me.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk