Ok let me clarify in October a cousin whom I have always been close too is getting married in Massachusets. I've already notified her and other family members that I will not be attending.

As I don't have many vacation days left and that I'd rather use the days I have left to go see Iron maiden in August(which I will be)plus the fact that I just flat out don't like the guy she's getting married to.

Another cousin of mine asked me who is more important my favorite cousin, or Iron Maiden. And I told her at this point in time It's Iron Maiden.

I've already told the family that I think my cousin is making a very big mistake(just like she did when she got married the first time, that marriage didn't even last 2.5 years) and cause of that I refuse to take part in this whole event.

So now I find myself on the outs with my entire family.