Originally posted by dontomasso:
Sooner not later, Al Qaeda, or some front group representing it will participate in some kind of peace conference.

Don T clearly states Al Qaeda OR some other front group. SO he is not totally wrong. While I don't believe that Al Qaeda themselves will ever agree to sit down and work towards peace, I do agree with Don T that sooner or later some group or government with ties to them will sit down to work towards some sort of peace.

So while Don T may be a bit off in saying Al Qaeda themselves will sit across a table, he is not that far off in saying that someone representing them will.

The reason that I agree with Don T that some front group, (which I happen to feel will be one of the governments in the middle east), will eventually sit down to work towards peace is because their decision to do so will be a direct result of our eventual success in helping to liberate Iraq.

Sooner or later these terrorist supporting governments will see that their own people will begin to thirst for the same freedoms that the Iraqi's were able to acheive with the help of the free world. This will scare these governments and rather than take on the free world, they will seek to negotiate and work towards democracizing their own countries without a military conflict.

So Don T is not really off in his prediction. When history eventually shows us that the Bush plan to democracize the Iraqi people was a successful plan, then Don T's prediction will probably come true.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.