Originally posted by suspect_5:
Okay so first thing first I am not the liberal elite; I am just one person trying to rationalize the world around him. I would say that I am a liberal but I’ve had a staunch conservative tell me that I can’t call myself a liberal because of a couple of my views. (gun control mainly) I’m not trying to “"here's-a-Christian-I-can-shock-and-piss-off"” as you said, you just lumped all people who are against a flag-burning ban together and I was stating that I personally am in fact not in that group. You placed your Christianity in this discussion; I’m just saying that we have different starting points walking into this.

Now in response to my statements you have said…
Your problem is that you guys have no middle ground for compromise. It's either "be like us, or go to hell."
And in the very next post
If you think it's that messed up, there are boats that both arrive and leave America.

So this middle ground you speak of, is me leaving my home?

You also seem to have a particular disdain for the inconsistencies of a liberal viewpoint. We’re for killing babies but against killing the last of a species right?
You call me a cowboy but you come out blazing a statement like that. Doesn’t have much to do with “flag burning” but I’ll bite.
“Killing babies” I won’t even bother to argue the point on that phrase, I’ll keep with your language. Killing babies is a short-sided solution to an epidemic problem that needs to be addressed and corrected. Pregnancy is a strain and at times unwanted. Babies take resources from both the state and the parents. Sometimes the parents don’t have what it takes to raise a baby. Sure they should have not got pregnant if they can’t devote the resources it takes to raise the result but if you ban abortion then what. You will crops of kids with parents that neither wanted nor can afford them. It will be the poorest neighborhoods that are affected to. The rich who could afford to take care of them will just fly to a foreign country to get the procedure. I hear a lot of people talk against abortion but how many of them would take on the bills of the pregnant woman and then the child for the next eighteen years. Not just one either like I said there will be crops (yeah probably not the best term but it works to illustrate the massive amounts) of children that will end up being raised by people who think that having a child was the worst mistake they ever made. If you want a real solution you’d have to go a little Sci-Fi for it. Something like a sterilizing agent admitted to every child when they are born and the only way they can reproduce is to take an inhibiting drug (both sexes too). Then yes ban abortion all you want.

The speech issue
(Using Indian names for ball teams offends some people. So does calling fat people "fat," the insane "insane," midgets "midgets," and some I can't even mention here because of our moderator's censoring. )
I’m Indian and you know what my mom hates that term, you should see the look in her eyes as she grits her teeth and corrects it to “Native American”. I’m also fat if you call me that I’ll agree because I am. O that’s right I grew up in a “post-whatever” world and have no beliefs. Actually I was a weakling smartass in the public school system, that is where I learned all I needed about free speech. If you want to use such terms I think you should be able to, I am for free speech and all. Being for free speech doesn’t mean that I’m for speech that only I like, it means all speech. If you want to express yourself by calling me a fat Indian than by all means help yourself. I’m for free speech not popular speech. If you want to sound like an idiot I don’t see a reason to protect you from yourself. (now with some control I mean no inciting riots or anything) People get offended too easily these days, “oh they offended me” I say “Shut the F up and go on” like being called a name is really that bad. If you are going to have delicate sensibilities than yes they are going to get offended, welcome to life.

The flag.
To me people did not fight and die for a flag, they did it for a country. A country that was founded on certain principles, on of which being that government shouldn’t control speech. We are not going to see eye to eye on this and I’m fine with that. To you the flag means more than it does me, I’ve stated why I think this is so.
I’m not an extremist where everything has to go my way or all is lost. Extremism on either side is stupid.

My favorite comment so far though is “I'm not accountable for what you believe... you are.” Very subtle.
On a serious note where do you get all these KICK ASS avatars Snake?
Jeez, I'd forgotten all about this friggin' thread. But I've nothing better to do today, sooo...

You brought the religious thing in (see page 1), so I was just responding to your assumption that your beliefs about the Bible were like reaaallly going to piss some folks off. I, for one, couldn't care less. Yeah, you are
accountable for what you believe. You see, it's my belief that we're all accountable, regardless of what we may want to pick-n-choose to believe about theological matters. In the end, it's my belief that we're all going to be called to the carpet for our actions and our beliefs. When that day comes, it's not really going to matter a whole lot what "I" believe or what "you" believe. Rather, the only matter will be God's standard for what is and what is not righteousness...as He defines it, not as how you or I define it. But that's my belief. And if it's not yours, fine and dandy. But there again, I've a right to express my belief.

BTW, if you'll read my response, I called myself a "cowboy," and you a "sport."

Soooo, killing babies is preferable to...oh, what's that thing that's been around for forty+ years which the liberals say we need to educate folks about...oh yeah! Birth control!
Yeah, man, all that education has really paid off, huh?!? IMO, it's not the baby's fault that his/her parents are irresponsible, horny sh*ts...why punish the baby?

We do agree on the speech issue...within limits. Burning a flag isn't opening your mouth to say a thing. It's just stupid, period. You're right, men did fight and die for a country, but that flag represents the country. But, as I said, symbols mean nothing to some folks, so we're on two different planes there anyway.

Yeah, I'm all for compromise. But to those who aren't, then I can play as nasty as them, hence, there are boats that both arrive and leave the good ol' USA. I'm willing to compromise, to anyone who'll listen. Most liberals DON'T LISTEN...so, I've got no time for 'em.

And I get my kick-a** avatars from "Kick-A** Avatars R Us"

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)