Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone
Here is a picture of the US election results...you see anything weird about the "south"
There's something wierd about your last two elections.

In 2000, there was the small matter of the hanging chads ... and the fact that the Democratic candidate received more votes nationally than the Republicans!!!!

In 2004, it all hung on one state again ... it was close, and the number of electoral college votes was DECISIVE of victory. Surely a good democratic country would at least wait until all the votes has been counted??? I mean, it's only polite, isn't it? But that annoying little thing called "democracy" didn't appeal much to the Bush re-election team. "Stop moaning," the said, "and accept defeat." Accept defeat! With votes still to be counted! DECISIVE votes!

I do apologize ... I am DEEPLY sorry that since 2000, you good Americans have not had a democratically elected leader, and will not do so until 2008 at the earliest.

Mind you, it's no better in the UK, where Labour (our "Democrats") won power despite getting less votes than the Conservatives in England!

Sorry if I sound like Micheal Moore on a bad day, and I don't want this interesting discussion to get personal and off-topic. I enjoy a good debate and hope everyone else takes it in the same vein.

Joey ...


... Saza!