Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
But good ol' southern folk, fine and upstanding, what's right is right. Southern folk who firmly believe that women have no right to abort their babies, even if they are pregnant by rape or incest. You defend vehemently the right to bear those arms that are so, so, unnecessary now that your government is the most powerful in the world. Yee-ha! Guns don't kill, people do... and them darn varmint flag burnin' f@ggots are just askin' for it, ain't they!
Originally posted by The Dr. who fixed Lucy:
I gotta say it ... all you folks from the Southern US sure are nice, but you are a couple of centuries behind the rest of the Western world.
Why did you keep directing your comments towards the people from the south? You seem to have a jones for the southerner's of the U.S.A.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.