Originally posted by dontomasso:
Freedom is about allowing this sort of thing to go on no mattter how much it offends people.
Ah, but there's the double standard and inconsistency again, you see. The "N" bomb offends people, but isn't that freedom of speech? Using Indian names for ball teams offends some people. So does calling fat people "fat," the insane "insane,"
midgets "midgets," and some I can't even mention here because of our moderator's censoring (and I don't intend that to be an insult hurled your way, Geoff and SC...just making a point) etc., etc., etc. All of those I just mentioned rile up the liberal masses. Okay, burning a flag riles me up. So, why is their offense more heinous than mine? Please enlighten my "narrow" mind so that I, too, may be as intellectual as the liberal elite!

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)