Originally posted by suspect_5:
Actually I’m not religious so all “holy books” are no more than stacks of paper, or storybooks if you will. I’m sure that statement angers you because if you will make assumptions about me than I’ll return the favor and make one about you. Why is it always the religious crowd that gets so up and arms about the flag burning issue? I assume because they are used to following symbols of an idea more than the idea itself.
You used this statement in your argument Snake “Why not walk into churches and urinate on crosses?” see you are seeing religion and government in the same light. You are taught that religion or god is infallible but that is hardly the case when talking about government. Why do you think we have so many checks & balances installed in the government?
You will and have said that I don’t love this country and you are partially right. There are things that I don’t love. To love something unconditionally is blind. Blind love while a wonderful thought is hardly logical. I do love that we can have this difference of opinion and discuss such an issue but your dream America is not mine.
Frankly, I couldn't care less if you're religious or not. That's your business. My whole point wasn't about "religion," but your cherished "freedom of speech." Call the Bible what you want. I'm not accountable for what you believe... you are. So, please, spare me the "here's-a-Christian-I-can-shock-and-piss-off" approach, 'cause it won't fly with this cowboy, sport.

Anyway, as I said, my point was that liberals get all riled up when someone wants to exercise their brand of "freedom of speech" on one the liberals' sacred cows; yet when someone wants to burn a flag, those of us who love the flag are supposed to shutup and accept it and say nothing, all for the sake of "freedom of speech." It's just the same old double-standard sh*t that's so characteristic of the liberal mind-set. I'll give you a real example: PETA didn't give a damn about Palestinians blowing up Israelis until one day they decided to put the bombs on a donkey instead of a man. Then PETA gets up in arms! Now if that isn't some screwed-up priorities, I don't know what are. Suppose I expressed my freedom of speech by defecating on JFK's grave? I noticed you didn't say anything about that example. Or, what if I wanted to defecate on a member of your own family's grave? You still wouldn't care? Maybe that's the problem: y'all don't give a damn about anything except your own agenda. Your problem is that you guys have no middle ground for compromise. It's either "be like us, or go to hell." And yet you cry for "tolerance" among the conservatives. Puh-leeze. Sell it to the gullible, man.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)