Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by Snake:
[b] why stop there with this sort of "freedom of speech"? Why not flush copies of the Koran down the toliet (as Newsweek erroneously reported about our soldiers)? But, no, that outraged the liberals. (They want it both ways, you see.)
Snake, you summed it all up in that one sentence! The SAME people who are demanding that Flag Burning be allowed in this country because the Flag is ONLY a piece of cloth are the SAME EXACT people who were in an uproar about the charge of U.S. Soldiers alledgedy flushing a Koran down a toilet! They screamed that this was a travesty to treat a "holy book" in that manner! If the U.S. Flag is a piece of cloth to them, then the Koran should only be considered a stack of paper to them also! Hypocracy at it's best!

Don Cardi [/b][/quote]Again, these points all beg the question. In the first place it is absolutely certain now that our people at Guantanamo are pissing on the Koran and otherwise doing things to it which is offensive to the people incarcerated there. All the wingholes who got their panties in a wad over Newsweek are now hiding behind Anne Coulter's apron strings because the truth is these things are going on. The people comitting these wrongs are military and/or intelligence agents of the United States Government. Just yesterday, some general would not or could not answer Sen Leahy's simple question: how many detainees are there. There is absolutely no way of knowing if all of them are "terrorists" or not. We need to put them on trial and if they are found guilty, shoot them. If they are innocent, send them back where they came from. But it is insane just to hold them there. There should be open, transparent trials. Anyone who would do otherwise, does belong in nazi Germany.

The concept of desecrating a religious text by government employees, in charge of a prison camp, is very different than the concept of a citizen burning the flag in protest.

Furthermore, I dont think flag burning or pissing on the Koran are "right" things to do. If someone could prove to me that as the result of flushing a Koran some terrorist attack was thwarted, I could see the merit in it. If, on the other hand it is just more of the crap that has gone on in Abu Grahib and elsewhere, it is wrong.

Just because I dont approve of flag burning however does not mean that a citizen who wants to make a point should be banned from doing it.

The imminent collapse of the right wing in this country (which is going to happen faster than you can say "Bill Frist") is going to happen for the very same reasons the left wing ran into so much trouble. They have been in power too long, and they are now overreaching. They want to legislate morality whether it is in the Terri Schiavo case (check out the autopsy) abortion, flag burning, marriage, and just about everything else.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."