Originally posted by dontomasso:

Don Cardi, Don Cardi.....why do you show me such disrespect?
You attack me for making an ad hominem shot at Don Smitty, and now you make an ad hominem attack against me?

The rights I have in this country were not afforded to me by a flag. They were and are afforded to me (and to you)
by the Constitution of the United States, and the amendments to the constitution, as well as the interpretations of the constitution by the courts (thats right the courts...don't spaz out here, they are a co equal branch of government), the executive and the legislative branches. These rights have also been protected by the blood of people who died in many (not all) of the wars that have been fought.

Interestingly two of those wars were against enemies who worshipped THEIR flags. Those enemiew would be the Confederacy and the Nazis (speaking of the devil)
Don T. - I did not attack you. I merely replied to something that you said, which I feel is in complete contradiction to what you posted about DS. Remember this post :
Originally posted by dontomasso:
You call yourself a "freedom fighter?" Why dont you go live in China, or better yet, Nazi Germany. [/QB][/QUOTE]

How is it that you can tell someone to go live in Nazi Germany because they have expressed there feelings about an issue regarding terrorists, and in doing so excersized their freedom of expression, a civil right that you now say should be respected in regards to allowing someone to burn a flag? Do the civil rights that you so often quote only apply to what you deem applicable?
Someone says that they think a guilty terrorist should be shot, and you tell them that their way of thinking belongs in Nazi Germany. Then someone talks about burning the AMERICAN flag, and you say that there is nothing wrong with burning an American flag! So it's wrong for someone to feel that a murdering terrorist should be executed, but it's ok for someone to burn an American flag. :rolleyes: I would expect some consistancy from you in that you would defend both people here as according to what you believe, both people have the right to excersize their freedom of expression!
And please, don't take what I wrote as an attack on you. I did NOT attack you. I did not call you any names or belittle you. I only pointed out something that YOU said in another topic in comparison to what you posted here. I was confused as to how you would defend the feelings of someone on one issue and attack the feelings of someone on another. BOTH come down to one's freedom of expression.

Oh and by the way, that flag represents the memory of those who wrote the constitution, the laws of the land and the soldiers who died protecting the constitution. So basically you are saying that you have absolutey no regard for the symbol that represents our country, it's people and it's constitution. And please don't get your panties all scrunched up here. this is a discussion, not an attack, a discussion!

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.