Hello, Saladbar;

Have you ever spoken with a soldier on the issue? I am not making any assumptions, but the holiest thing to him is the flag he defends, and what it represents. Freedom does not magically come about, it must be won and constantly defended; those who defend it do not wish to have its symbol desecretated - assuming that is all the stands for, or that they believed it stood for. And your argument is also symbolic here, as the protection of the symbol is the protection of the sacrifices of those who fought to protect the symbol, what they thought of the symbol, and what it represents today.

To me, there is simply something very poisonous and vile in burning the symbol of the country which has granted you your freedom and then cowardly using the national freedom the symbol represents to justify your actions. It is the equivalent to spitting in your host's plate after you are done eating from it. Such behavior is unjustified, even if you do not like the food, if you do such a thing, naturally you should not be fed by such a host unless he is incredibly stupid or filled with complexes.