Originally posted by dontomasso: My point is the flag is a symbol. To me it represents freedom, which cannot be burned. It may represent something entirely different to a member of Al Qaeda or whatever. My point is that once you go down the road of banning expression, it is a slippery slope and is actually more destructive of freedom than is the act of some idiot burning the American flag.
The flag's status as a symbol was never under discussion, it is in its very symbollism that the discussion lies. Freedom is an abstract, therefore it cannot be destroyed; it is an idea, not something one can touch - so it cannot be physically attacked. However, its symbols can.

If our free cpountry is so fragile that our freedom is at stake because some one wants to burn a flag in protest, then it is not worth saving.
It is in that frame of mind that we disagree strongly, and in that statement's core, the root of our disagreements. I personally believe that it is always worth fighting until my death for what I believe and love, the United States of America being one of those things; furthermore it is always worth saving America, in my own personal opinion.

Have a good afternoon.