Que…Hey Guineapig I’m afraid I’m going to have to go the other way and agree with the others.
The Flag is a symbol of freedom, and burning it doesn’t mean your “burning freedom”. The reason the soldiers go overseas and fight is so that we back home can have freedom, all of us. If we want to go traipsing around the world condemning “iron fist regimes” than what would it do to honor the soldiers we lose by becoming one ourselves. Yes we have the right to burn the flag as protest and no probably not many countries would take that kind of protest but that is “our freedom” that we so delightfully talk at length about.
What is it with people and constitutional bans these days? They seem to want to institute some form of “state authorized” lifestyle. Look at what your saying, if you start banning everything that you don’t think is American than the idea of America is lost and the terrorists win. (yeah the last part was a bit dramatic)

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