Originally posted by JustMe:
[QUOTE]... when you take a child and transport him where you choose, you are depriving him of his nationality...
Completely untrue. Yes, you are removing the child from their birthcountry. But you are NOT depriving them of their nationality. That is something that will always be theirs, and again it is up to the parent to provide the information and seek sources to have the child fully appreciate it.

Originally posted by JustMe:
[QUOTE]... you don't mean that "efforts of some parents" can make up for the loss of a language and culture that they don't even know themselves?...
Not completely, no. However, many parents who bother to educate themselves in international adoption do provide as best an appreciation as possible to their children of the country, language and culture in which they were born. And yes, in many case the child is happier, healthier, loved and so much more fulfilled than if they had remained in their country of birth to be raised in an orphanage.

Originally posted by JustMe:
[QUOTE]...I didn't say that the people who can have children must not adopt them. I said only that I wouldn't deny the life to my own child because I intend to adopt one. There's the difference.
You really can't deny life to a child or anything that doesn't yet exist. Deciding not to become pregnant is just that...deciding not become pregnant (and I'm not talking about abortion, so nobody jump on that...I simply mean choosing NOT to become a parent through pregnancy).

Furthermore, though in most cases people choose adoption because they have found that the cannot have children...there are also many, many cases in which people who could have children physically decide to adopt instead...choosing to give their love and home to a child (or children) already born, alone for whatever reason, and needing a home. Also, more & more people who have already had one or more kids through pregnancy are choosing to have their family grow through adoption, sometimes specifically requesting special needs children who will need some kind of medical care once adopted.

I'm glad you apparently agree with me that those people too are making a wonderful choice, despite your original statement that, "..I guess it's better to live a half-orphan than not to live at all.."

JustMe, you are getting extremely defensive on this topic, and also digging yourself into quite a hole. I suggest you let up on your know-it-all attitude; I don't know how old you are but hope that in the years to come your thinking becomes less limited.

But I won't count on it..


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.