Originally posted by JustMe:
[quote]Originally posted by dontomasso:
[b] Just Me I believe your point of view is significantly flawed. If an infant is born in China or the South of India or wherever, and is immediately transported to Ohio, he or she will not be imbued with a "different culture."
I think it is rarely the case, when a newborn child is transported from china to Ohio immediately . :rolleyes:
I'm not saying that it is impossible, though. I'm just saying that it's unfair to the child, who cannot decide for himself, to transport him as we wish. We have no right to make such a decision on his behalf. [/b][/quote]Roughly 10% of my daughters's school are adopted Chinese. They are thriving and learning and happy and fit in with NO problems (perhaps because there are so many here?). Their options in China as abandoned females were nil. They would have been lucky to get a minimum education.

Though I do have a friend (using money she got from FFC helping him film Apocalypse Now btw, funny link to this board a little) has set up a foundation in China to try to remedy this. She provides education for orphans that DO NOT get adopted: http://halfthesky.org/07AboutUs/usstaff.html

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"