Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
You make black & white assumptions as to the reasons children are abandoned.
I do not. I didn't say that my assumptions cover all cases. I just said that these cases are more usual. So they are, there's no secret. Why a normal, healthy, desired child should be abandoned? Only as the result of some tragic consequences, and they don't happen very often. As I also said in that very post you cited, the fact that the child may have problems is not a reason not to adopt him. But, as I said, this must be done consciously, you must be fully aware of the difficulties and responsibility, and you must have proper medical advice, and knowledge to help the child. What's wrong or limited here?
Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

You state optimism about international adoption ultimately being prohibited...apparently because a of various scandals and the tragic incident of a woman beating to death a Russian born child.
Where did I ever state that all international adoption must be absolutely prohibited?
I've been talking only about such a movement in Russia. I have nothing against your adopting a child from china, which is over-populated, or, say, some African country where children are killed by epidemies and starve.
But I do think that it is advisable to grow where you were born.
Because when you take a child and transport him where you choose, you are depriving him of his nationality, which is unfair to him. If he choses to immigrate, he must do it himself, when he is grown. We do not chose it originally, as we don't our race and gender. But you wouldn't like it if anybody took a little child that is unable to speak for himself, and wilfully changed his sex? Even if he thought that it would be better for a child. When there's nothing vital, I do not see reasons that justify such violation of the child's right to have a choice. We like to have rights, let's not deny them to children and respect their life. Child is not a parcel, or a thing, a subject for import and export. You may disagree, of course, but than I think it will be my turn to pity you.
Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
As to nationality, many organizations and parents put a great deal of effort into providing foreign-born children an appreciation of the culture and language from which they were removed as infants or very young children.
I hope you are not serious about it. Come on, you don't mean that "efforts of some parents" can make up for the loss of a language and culture that they don't even know themselves?
Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

I also do agree that the EARLIER in life a child is adopted, the better. However if a parent or set of parents has made the decision that they are emotionally and financially equipped to bring into their home and older or special needs child - and this is decision is made with the aid of an OBJECTIVE Social Worker - then it is one of the most loving and caring things that anyone can possible undertake.
Nobody doubts. I agree absolutely.
Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
That goes for people who are physically able to have their own children as well as those who are not.
I didn't say that the people who can have children must not adopt them. I said only that I wouldn't deny the life to my own child because I intend to adopt one. There's the difference.
Originally posted by AppleOnYa:

Yes, JustMe...your thinking on adoption is incredibly limited.
I still fail to see the reasoning for this statement.

keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open.