Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
JustMe...judging from your posts here I'd say you are a bit limited in your thinking.

I'm not gonna try & change your mind or preach to you or anything like that. You're entitled to your opinions on adoption (foreign or domestic), birth, and 'duty to God'.
But I do want to say that I pity you and anyone who feels similar to the way you've expressed yourself here in this thread.
I really think that my sincere belief in everybody's sence of humor misled you. The "GOD" part was a joke entirely, and when I read how seriously some of you took it, that sounds as even a better joke. I really thought smilies imaginary necessity.
Never in my post I said that you shouldn't adopt or take care of orphans. If you accuse me of it, prove it.
All I said is that if I'm able to give birth to a child, and have opportunity, I'd prefer to have my own child, and not to refrain from bringing him into this world for any reasons, including adoption.
And yes I think that it's better to raise the kid in his own nation and race, because once you are what you are, you cannot change your mentality, and the same people with you will underatsnd it better. At least, the child won't be laughed at or pointed at by his peers at school etc. Children are cruel, they naturally have no tolerance to anything outstanding, different from them.
Never in my post did I say either that I think it's better to grow up homeless than be adopted internationally. Why do you honor me with so many opinions that I never expressed?
I think that the best way to grow up is in your nation and home. That's why I think noone should abandon their children to charity of strangers, if they are sane.
As to the question if the God cares about the existence of different nations, yes he does, he devided people so himself. I think it's a great treasure - that we are all so different. It's interesting.
It's a real honor to be a subject to your pity, Apple.
I'm touched and moved to tears, and very proud.
But if you see any real reason to believe my thinking limited, wouldn't you kindly point it out?

keep your mouth shut, and your eyes open.