Kris, Thanks a lot. Hearing that from a soon to be mother makes me really thankful. You've no idea how those little ones inside you are fortunate to have such a great mother.

JM, It is not going to be a random orphan, but a child who is doing well at school. I wish I was kind enough to be able to adopt a child regardless of anything at all but I've some standards I'm going to stick with it.

I already mentioned problems a single parent is going to encounter if they adopt/have a newborn baby. Being a tad old fashioned, I don't see how an unmarried person have a duty to God to have his/her own child. What's more, I'm not that snobby about my genes, nationality or anything that we have no choice about it. Once you are what you are, it is great to feel good about it but that definitely is not what's important. What's important and would be what you'd be recognized with are your virtues, your thoughts and your acts.

Adopting internationally would help nations to feel friendlier toward each other. There have been many cases that biological mother has murdered her child. You can never stain the whole goodness because of some cases of unfortunate tragedy. We don't have much choice about where we're born and if our parents are rich, poor, alive or dead. What we can do however, is that if there is a chance and opportunity; make a difference in a fellow human life.

100 years from now, it doesn't matter how we lived, what we had or how rich we were. But if you've made a difference in a child's life, that'd stay a little longer than you in this world. I read this on a mug! I'm thankful for it because it had me thinking since then and I made that resolution. Anyhow, I thought I campaign a little for a good cause.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones