Originally posted by Don Cardi:
...Of course the conversation went in The Godfather direction, along with several other movies. I must say that even Mrs. Cardi impressed me by holding her own when Godfather discussions came up. I guess all those years of living with my watching The Godfather 100 times a year rubbed off on her...
I'm just curious about something and I know this'll get alot of chuckles especially on THIS Board but...

Wonderful as they are, how does (basically) the same gang of people get together on a monthly basis to mainly discuss The Godfather films? I mean...the Board itself is one thing but how do you talk about them over & over?

I know...silly question, you probably have to be there. I guess the food, wine and company are all factors in making these dinners so delightful.

When I was a kid, my mom belonged to a monthly 'Pokeno Club' where she & a bunch of other moms got together to play the game and have 'girltalk' for a couple of hours. Judging from the activity whenever they were at our house, they all had a terrific time. Once a year they'd all go on some big night out, to a movie or Broadway show or something.

I guess the NY/NJ Commission Meetings are along the same lines as that....

And I suppose I just answered my own question!!!

Carry on...


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.