Well here's to another great Gangster BB commission meeting dinner!

I really enjoyed another great evening last night with some really great friends. SC and Consigliere's Lady, Plaw, Don Malta, and Mikey Montana were all there and as usual all looked great. SC had a really great looking shirt on.

Excellent taste SC!

Of course the conversation went in The Godfather direction, along with several other movies. I must say that even Mrs. Cardi impressed me by holding her own when Godfather discussions came up. I guess all those years of living with my watching The Godfather 100 times a year rubbed off on her.

Our monthly get togethers just keep getting better and better.

The Gangster BB weekend should be a real blast!

Turnbull, Don Smitty, you both were missed!

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.