I came home to find my desktop pc had crashed, but that can't dim the mood of having had dinner with great people.

A brief rundown on our "Apalachin" sitdown:

We met in Jersey, on plaw's turf, where we were all supposed to be safe. (This didn't stop Geoff from wanting to frisk the waitress for hidden weapons). The "market" boys (Don Cardi, Mikey Montana and Don Smitty) had scoped out the joint (really a little reminiscent of Louis' Restaurant in Part I) early and were standing guard in front. The place is a "BYO" (Bring Your Own bottle) and I wasn't surprised to see the three of them holding shopping bags with their bottles).

Everyone had bottles of wine but me and I was a little ashamed to break out my pint bottle of scotch from its paper bag.

Geoff, Lori and I travelled with plaw figuring we'd be safe with him as our shield, but Turnbull, much like Meyer Lansky needed no protection. (He's too respected for anyone to even consider putting a hit on him).

The drinks flowed almost as quickly as the conversation and 40 minutes later we were ordering one of those, two of them, a few of these, etc. Good conversation (including a few telephone calls to TIS) and laughs accompanied some decent meals. It sadly ended way too quickly.

You guys MUST see Geoff's video (which he said he'll post online). Its a little over a minute long and features some really funny stuff with Mikey, Lori and Don Smitty (who very good naturedly took some ribbing about spelling).

I'll be posting a few pix tomorrow. When I took the pix I thought they were great but after viewing them in a more sober light I saw they aren't (great).
