Yeah, it'll be closed because people take extremes to extremes. I'm very extreme in my atheism, but would never judge a believer in an overly biased way because of it. Others, alas, are not like this, and feel that they're opinion is fact. Wrong.

What do I believe?

That religion is a substitution for truth. To live by religion is to live in falseness, in utter falsity. Worshipping powers too intangible to be questioned, touched, felt. I appreciate it can help people through bad times, but if people can't get through bad times in an honest and truthful way, then religion is in a sense the cause of the world's endless unsocialness, unequal distribution of wealth, war, suffering, and religion also plays upon people's fears.

I can't help but laugh at people who take the Bible literally. Noah's Ark, for example: who on God's fine green heavenly Earth would have travelled to the Arctic to invite Peter the Polar Bear and his wife along to the trip? Who would have gone to the African Plains to fetch Larry the Lion and his fiancée? The Bible is fiction which contradicts itself time and time again. The reason why Christianity has two sides of the divide: Catholicism, Protestantism.

Either way, I despise religion for what it causes (war). Religion never produces. It destroys. It can often heal, but what does it heal? It's all aritificial.

But I don't know of one incident on this board or in general real life where a discussion like this has converted people to either the Dark Side or atheism.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?