I have no beliefs one way or the other when it comes to heaven/hell. Now others do and that's fine by me, but the one thing I hate is when people try and force their religious beliefs on others.

That almost happened to me once. My cousins first husband was born again, and he started talking about religion to me. And my cousin spoke up and told her husband don't even go there. Or you'll make him(referring to me) extremely mad.

All my uncles/aunts/cousins are pretty much religious they all attend church every sunday. But one thing that I respect about them is they respect my personal views about that. Case in point awhile back after a Saturday night concert I stayed over at an uncles place. That Sunday they all got ready to attend church. My uncle came down and told me where they were going, and that they did not expect me to go with them.

Heck I refuse to attend funerals/weddings because they both involve church.

Now if anything I said offended anyone here then please accept my apologies in advance.