I dont follow any religion in particular even if I was raised like catholic,I tend to think in myself like an eternal seeker. I dont know if a heaven/hell exist for real, I think its here in earth, in life, our life can have both of them, I tend to belive more in karma type of philosophy, I guess we come here for learn, sometimes our lessons are more tough than others people, well not all the students are the same and I do belive our actions have consequences. About animals, I hope they have some place to go, b/c I really love my dogs and animals in general. Like I said in my previous setences, I`m an eternal seeker, Im not even sure if a god exist or not, sometimes, I want to belive and the other half I see the world is full of shit and I think why if a god exist let this happend to that poor people, I only know, I wanna know, so thats show me, I´m nothing in this huge world full of people even if sometimes we tend to think we are the masters of our existence I`m not so sure anymore.


" What sane person could live in this world and not be crazy?"

" Take me out tonight
Because I want to see people and I
Want to see life"- there is a light that never goes out by The smiths.