First name : Asai

Last name :

Gender (M/F) : F

Age : 28

State : GA

City : Atlanta

Occupation : student/travel agent/fivebucks coffee slinger

Hobbies : books, music, computers, too many to name

Religious (yes / no) : not exactly

Single / girlfriend-boyfriend / married : boyfriend

Fav subject at school / university : maths

Most hated subject at school / university : english

Primary subject at school / university : life itself offers more interesting "subjects" to choose from

Computers ( not so good / good / expert ) : pretty good

Favorite computer game : civilisation II and III

Other forums / websites you visit often : too many others to remember off the top of my head

Fav song : make that "Fav song(s)", u2's "where the streets have no name" and underworld's "rez/cowgirl" are the two i can think of right now...

Fav music album : make that "Fav music album(s)", will get back to that later...

Favorite singer : toss up between rosmary ashe and sarah brightman

Fav band : Underworld, even if they no longer really exist

Fav line / verse in a song: "why don't you call me i feel like flying too"

Members from this forum you've met In Real Life : still haven't had the chance to really meet anyone here... :-(

Favorite T.V channel : don't watch telly much...

Favorite T.V show : toss up between "the x-files", "millennium", and "numb3rs"

Fav Godfather movie : godfather I

Favorite non-Godfather movie: "final fantasy VII: advent children"

Fav movie genre : sci-fi or fantasy

Fav director : none as they all have their good and bad moments from time to time...

Favorite actor : sir anthony hopkins

Favorite actress : none

Fav movie quote : none i could think of right now

How did you find this forum : stumbled upon on a google search for "the godfather" book

Fav section in this forum : toss up between general and the godfather trilogy forums

Fav thread : none

Fav Author : everyone

Fav Book : the silmarillion

Fav book quote : will get back to that later

Traveled to : mainland china, taiwan, japan, south korea, parts of the u.s, england

Things you like about people : hard to say

Things you hate about people : i plead the 5th

The world is (ugly / ok / wonderful) : eh

I visit this forum (everyday / 2-3 times a week / rarely ) : before my hiatus, almost everyday

Fav food : italian

Favorite drink : tea

Fast Food Restaurant: NO

The word "Nostalgia" reminds me of : nostalgia, what else?

Fav sport : swimming

Favorite sports team : none

Which sport do you practice : used to swim and speed skate

Hottest man alive : any man who is actually geniunely nice with a killer wit, intellect, and wisdom... good looks are a bonus... :-)

Hottest woman alive : catherine zeta-jones

Nicknames : too embarassing to tell...

Languages : cantonese, some mandarin, english...

I've been working : on what?

Any records : 374 total...

Favorite color : blue-green

What is your biggest dream : i have a lot of them...

Fav quote : will get back to this one...

Vehicle : i'm a honda addict...

Pick ONE - (Meat / Chicken / Fish / Help,I'm a veggie!!) : all three please, even if i'm supposed to pick one...

Favorite season : fall/winter time

Fav Pizza Toppings : mushroom and pineapple

PINEAPPLE on your Pizza (Disaster / I dont mind / Yummy ) : see answer above...

Your pic: i'm the one at the very end on the right...

The expression "paperless office" has now been officially defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as meaning "an office full of stuff, much of it paper, arranged in a higgledy-piggledy manner wherever it may lie".