First name : Tom

Last name : McGowan

Gender (M/F) :m

Age : old enough to know better

State : florida

City : st petersburg

Occupation : lawyer

Hobbies : reading, travel, sports,

Religious (yes / no) : in my own way

Single / girlfriend-boyfriend / married : married, two kids

Fav subject at school / university : art history

Most hated subject at school / university : math

Primary subject at school / university : Majored in Religion, Masters in Internatioinal Relations and also a law degree

Computers ( not so good / good / expert ) : good

Favorite computer game : all the games on the gangsterbbnet

Other forums / websites you visit often :

Fav song : Subterranean Homesick Blues

Fav music album :The White Album

Favorite singer : Bob Dylan

Fav band : The Beatles

Fav line / verse in a song: High Water Risin

Members from this forum you've met In Real Life : None

Favorite T.V channel : ESPN

Favorite T.V show : Andy Griffith

Fav Godfather movie : The first one

Favorite non-Godfather movie: Citizen Kane

Fav movie genre : Comedy

Fav director : FFC, Woody Allen, Scorcese

Favorite actor : Pacino, Nicholson

Favorite actress : Paltrow, Porter

Fav movie quote : We'll always have Paris

How did you find this forum : Googled "Godfather" one day and the rest was history

Fav section in this forum : All of them

Fav thread : Dont know

Fav Author : Plaw (RIP) Turnbull, DC..... did you mean real authors? I thoujght you meant on the boards... Real Authors...there are so many... Margaraet Atwood, Cormack McCarthy, David name a few

Fav Book : The last one I read

Fav book quote : Too many to think of one

Traveled to : 35 states, Carribean, Colombia Venezuela, Peru, Mexico, Canada, China, England, France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Former Yuoslavia, Denmark, Greece, Turkey, Sicily,
Morocco, Tunisia. Jordan, Ireland.
Things you like about people : Humor, open mindedness

Things you hate about people : Willful Ignorance

The world is (ugly / ok / wonderful) : messy

I visit this forum (everyday
Fav food : Everything but sea urchins

Favorite drink :Red Wine

Fast Food Restaurant: Never go

The word "Nostalgia" reminds me of : Being 19

Fav sport : College Football

Favorite sports team : Florida State

Which sport do you practice : Tennis, Swimming

Hottest man alive : Some guy in Death Valley I imagine

Hottest woman alive : So many to choose from

Nicknames : Tom

Languages : English Italian and Spanish

I've been working : too long

Any records : yes, several

Favorite color : blue

What is your biggest dream : Riches and time to travel

Fav quote : You cant always get what you want

Vehicle : Mercedes

Pick ONE - (Meat / Chicken / Fish / Help,I'm a veggie!!) :
A good steak

Favorite season : Winter

Fav Pizza Toppings : Artichokes, black olives

PINEAPPLE on your Pizza (Disaster

Your pic: dont know how to load it


"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."