First name : Jack

Last name : Forhood

Gender (M/F) : M

Age : 20

State : Illinois (tho Im not home at the mo)

City : Sweet Home Chicago

Occupation : Deliveryman

Hobbies : Thai-Box/Harley-Davidson Club/Motorcycle races/Long-Distance-Running

Religious (yes / no) : No

Single / girlfriend-boyfriend / married : Single

Fav subject at school / university : Literature

Most hated subject at school / university : Math

Primary subject at school / university : American Civics

Computers ( not so good / good / expert ) : Good

Favorite computer game : Gabriel Knight I : Sins of the Fathers

Other forums / websites you visit often : Some Thai-Box/Harley Davidson websites

Fav song : Wanted Dead Or Alive (Bon Jovi)

Fav music album : Hair (1979 Movie Soundtrack)

Favorite singer : Bruce Springsteen

Fav band : Bon Jovi (but only till 1994, nothin from the last 10 years)

Fav line / verse in a song:

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
Silver white winters that melt into springs,
These are a few of my favorite things.
(My Favorite Things)

Members from this forum you've met In Real Life : Debra

Favorite T.V channel : TCM

Favorite T.V show : Transformers

Fav Godfather movie : Part I

Favorite non-Godfather movie: Scarface

Fav movie genre : Classic/Gangster

Fav director : Sir David Lean

Favorite actor : James Cagney

Favorite actress : Julie Andrews

Fav movie quote : "A deer has to be taken with one shot. I try to tell people that but they don't listen"(Michael, The Deer Hunter)

How did you find this forum : Puzo/Scarface/GF obsession

Fav section in this forum : General

Fav thread : Movies you just watched

Fav Author : William Shakespeare

Fav Book : The Godfather

Fav book quote :

I hope I can make it across the border.
I hope to see my friend and shake his hand.
I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.
I hope.
(Red, The Shawshank Redemption)

The world is (ugly / ok / wonderful) : OK

Fav food : Lasagna

Favorite drink : Sprite

Hottest man alive : Turi

Hottest woman alive : Lavinia

Languages : English/"yer old english"(Shakespeare style ) and a little spanish.

Favorite color : Black

Fav quote :

"From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember'd.
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."

Henry V (St. Crispin's Day Speech, Pre-Battle of Agincourt)

Pick ONE - (Meat / Chicken / Fish / Help,I'm a veggie!!) : Help, Im a veggie!!

Favorite season : Summer

Fav Pizza Toppings : Onion/Olives/

PINEAPPLE on your Pizza (Disaster / I dont mind / Yummy ): DISASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your pic: I only got ones where Im naked, sorry

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)