Ok, a few things, let me start with the most important :

1) Family Honor - WELCOME BACK !!!
I'm sure you dont remember me...I joined 2 months before you did but I was away the last 3 years, but anyway, its really great to see all these comebacks....SNAKE and now FH...now where is Guineapig and Liz 85 ?

2) Heres a question to everyone : someone you love so much and trust with your eyes closed, say someone like your own mother....imagine one day to find out that your own mother betrayed you...how would that make you feel? wouldnt that be 10000 times worse than being raped by a stranger?

Thats what I meant when I asked if betrayal is worse than rape.

I have counseled rape victims of all kinds...women, children and yes, even men
I was wondering about that...the 'male' victims you talk about, are these cases of rape by force?
I'm just curious cos I never heard of a man getting raped by a woman.
maybe the girl drugged the guy first, or maybe its an older woman who raped a child, but I NEVER heard of case when a GIRL raped a BOY by FORCE,or WOMAN raped a MAN by FORCE...(unless she used the drug before)
What Im asking LDV, is if there is actually a case when that happened, or if anyone else ever heard of anything like that?

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)