Reggio Calabria, severe blow to the 'Ndrangheta gang of Arangea: 12 arrests, the clan managed the Bergamot business

The activity then recorded the continuation of the conduct of the suspects, already definitively convicted for the crime of mafia association

On the morning of today 27 May, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria , with the help of the Heliborne Squadron "Hunters" Calabria, at the conclusion of investigations coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Reggio Calabria - District Anti-Mafia Directorate, directed by the Prosecutor Giovanni Bombardieri , have implemented, as part of the operation called "Arangea ", an order for the application of precautionary measures in prison against 11 people and one under house arrest , suspected, in various capacities, at the stage of the proceedings of preliminary investigations and subject to various evaluations in the subsequent phases, of the crimes of mafia association, extortion, fictitious registration of goods and weapons.

The investigations, conducted by the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Reggio Calabria under the directives of the Public Prosecutor's Office, carried out both with classic investigative techniques, but also with the most modern interception tools, have made it possible to reconstruct the dynamics and structures of the articulation of ndrangheta headed by the " locale " operating in the territory of the Arangea district , reconstructing the imposition of control of the territory and a widespread extortion system as well as the hidden management of various economic enterprises . In the same way, the internal reorganization dynamics activated to fill the power gaps caused by the arrest of top management elements during the period of activity were reconstructed.

The reorganization phases find perfect adherence to the ' Ndrangheta system already emerged in the Crime investigation , in whose sentence the definition of " locale " and " doti " is reported , as well as the existence of the so-called " new bank ", a term with which the leaders of the ndrangheta intended the reorganization of the positions within the club .

The data in question is currently found in this investigation and more specifically when the arrested Demetrio Palumbo intended to carry out this reorganization within the Arangea premises involving Sebastiano Praticò , already definitively convicted in the " Crime " trial, where he was recognized as a participant in the gang operating in the southern area of ??Reggio Calabria and held a provincial-level position as representative of the Reggio Calabria district.