Originally posted by La Dolce Vita:
Crimes against children - hands down.

Rape worse than murder? Maybe in the psycological context in some people's minds. But we are talking about which is the worse CRIME?

Many people survive rape. Not sure if a murder victim's family would agree that rape is worse than murder.
Funny when I initially wrote this, I wasn't even taking murder into consideration. I thought murder was a no-brainer as worst. I was focusing on the other things mentioned in the first post - treason and betrayal :rolleyes: and figured that crimes against children were worse than either of those choices.

My third paragraph should make it clear where I stand regarding rape of ANY kind as compared to murder.

And we must not generalize victims. I still do alot of work as a victim's advocate for domestic violence and I could tell you all some stories about child abuse, various rapes and tortures of children AND adults that would make your hair curl.

And why is the rape of a 6 year old more horrific than the rape of an 80 year old? I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I tend to think of the intrusion on the physical aspects of a 6 year old girl (or boy) and her/his yet to be (or under-)developed body.

EDITED ON A REREAD: To include both genders - my bad for just mentioning "girl".....

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....